This ultimate example of what a sophisticated seaside urban resort should be features 436 luxurious guestrooms and suites with stunning views to the ocean or lagoons beyond. The property's surprisingly spacious and contemporary outdoor areas act as casually elegant living spaces in which to enjoy Rio's sublime climate. Three top tier restaurant venues afford the guest with a seamless indoor to outdoor experience through view filled dining and bar terraces. The lobby is beautifully back-dropped by the waters and greenery of the Water Lily Fountain Court that provides relaxing lounge seating on numerous decks that appear to float at the water's edge. This fountain feature appears to then source the waters of the Main Swimming Pool which truly acts as the inviting heart and soul of the resort. Although featuring striking architectural lines the pool is nevertheless playful and indulgent through shallow in-water lounging terraces and seat walls.
Stone paved terraces and hardwood decks surround the pool yet always feel intimate and comfortable. Scenically throughout these engagingly designed facilities is the constant background vista of the beach and the blue green waters of the Atlantic Ocean beyond. In addition an expansive Event Lawn is offered which has been keenly positioned along the landscaped shoreline of the neighboring lake-like lagoon and is conveniently accessed from the outdoor function terraces of the Ballroom and Meeting Facilites.